Wednesday, September 9, 2009

wallpapers eye illusion

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When solutions became problems

Amar Bhore Page 1 9/12/2009


           Dear reader I am Mr. Amar Bhore dedicating my life to this research and mainly the book in front of you. This book is about to explain new theory of 21st century called as theory of multi dimensions. It is mathematical theory but as you know mathematics is mother of science this applies to all branches of science. There are lot more questions are arising in your minds ,let them go their own way.

           First of all I want tell you scope and power of this theory and later we will discuss about applications of this theory. I am putforthing this theory to challenge big bang and other theories like string theories. Those theories are partially true and are unable to explain everything. Theory of multidimensions will take you few steps forward from today’s thinking. This theory explains high level mathematics, origin of world, relationship of physical formulae (powers with dimensions), various formulae of multi dimension and multi directions , relationship between multidimension and multi directions, perfect dimensions, perfect dimensional plotted figures, dimension of pyramid also.
            All shapes and drawings are imagined according to techniques of engineering graphics. And definetily can be plotted on the graph. This theory is basic criteria for modern physics , the reason is that if want to find any formula then if you know dimensions of those quantities then you can easily make that formula. It will speed up whole research. We are taking names of different scientist like Albert Einstein, sir Isaac Newton, Fermi ,Michele Faraday but remember they are scientist of 18th century. We are dependent on their inventions till now and will be forever. But my point is that not more happened in 20th century except research of computer. I am talking about inventions not about technology. These two are different things. Technology is application of inventions which our respected scientists had made. Only one drawback of human is he has limited physical life. And advantage is he can acquire unlimited fame. If those scientists were alive today then definitely they had completed theory of everything. But bad thing is that they haven’t got time to do that because of human drawback I have explained above. So those theories remaines unexplained.

             Perhaps my efforts are towards explaining unexplained stuff. Theory of multidimension is basic foundation for theory of everything. All scientist have thought two steps ahead. One step remained their, that is theory of multidimensions. Without it how can we develop theory of everything. Nobody can walk two steps at a time. However your step capability may be you can go only one step ahead. Just some features of TOE are explained by this world till now, and many more movies had produced on scientific fiction.But this strong theory is going to explain each everything. This theory is platform for invention of different theories.
           If you know dimensions of electrostatic force and strong nuclear force then definitely you can find relationship between them. I have also invented relationship between dimensions and formula. So this theory is universal and stronger than any other theory. Big bang can explain what was happened when this cosmos came in existence but this theory explains how it was happened? We got some solutions of “what was happened ,what will happen” but when this solutions becomes question like how? Then we need to refer one theory that is theory of multidimensions(researched and developed by Mr.Amar Bhore)

           I am happy to putforth this theory in front of this world…..this will make us much more forward than our nowadays technical life…..everything will changewe will fly in the sky by using antigravity belt…….and much more….just imagine…….watch dreams of future superb world……….and when question arise then I am here to solve…..let we start with our actual subject now stop imagination….and enrich your knowledge with me.

Thank you

Amar Ashok Bhore
(theory of multidimensions)

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